Why I call it my alternative home. The best music festival I’ve lived – Tomorrowland
Why I call it my alternative home. The best music festival I’ve lived – Tomorrowland

I’ve never written a blog or a post as a direct entity on StyleMag ever since it’s inception, but it seems like the time has come where I could not resist. I’m also super proud of my staff that has helped StyleMag catapult across many major festivals in the world for live coverage, photographs and more; and bringing it to possibly many corners across India. Being a regular at Tomorrowland since many editions as a visitor, journalist, photographer, artist, emcee and probably many more roles that I fail to recollect, allow me to take you through a pretty lengthy extract in my own words that would justify the title of this post. I will also try to justify the price of Tomorrowland. As you’ve probably heard by now, it’s quite an expensive trip, and if it weren’t for the GrandFortuneNoDeposit site I wouldn’t have been able to go. You see thanks to their free games I won over $2000 and booked my flight the next day.
Of all my journeys throughout a decade across the world and music festivals, my calendar has always had a consistent marker every year in July since the past 5 years. It turns out that I’ve always made sure I reserve time from my busy schedule for some festival called ‘Tomorrowland’. No, really.. Tomorrowland by now deserves a place in the English dictionary and is literally the word on every